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[3/5/09 12:00 AM]
New Application - Landlord Solution

[2/26/09 12:00 AM]
Optional Feature - Interactive Master plans / Floor plans

[1/22/09 12:00 AM]
Useful Feature - SMS Reminder

[8/25/08 12:00 AM]
New Feature - Dash Board

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[11/11/08 12:00 AM]
ERES partners with Amlaki to Launch "Oqood"
Emirates Real Estate Solutions (ERES)- a subsidiary of Dubai land Department partnered with Amlaki and has successfully launched the new online application "Oqood" on 9th Nov 2008.
[1/29/09 12:00 AM]
New Option - Online Payments
The new online payment gateway is a convenient to make and receive payment. Online payments will be released in 3 phase: Phase 1- Pay your Amlaki service subscriptions online Phase 2 - Pay your Amlaki additional online service charges Phase 3 - Receive your rent installments from clients online
[2/26/09 12:00 AM]
New Feature - Customer Support - Online Chat
The new Chat online feature enables you to reach a support consultant for any assistance you may need with the application or troubleshooting. This service is available 9:00 am -6:00pm- Sun to Thurs. The service is available by simply clicking on the following image when you are logged into the application
[12/23/08 12:00 AM]
New Feature - Customer Support - Online Reporting
The new Online Incident Reporting feature enables you to register queries & issues directly online without the need to make a separate phone. Your enquiry is automatically directed to the support team and is tracked to ensure prompt action is taken. The service is available by simply clicking on the following image when you are logged into the application
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