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[3/5/09 12:00 AM]
New Application - Landlord Solution

[2/26/09 12:00 AM]
Optional Feature - Interactive Master plans / Floor plans

[1/22/09 12:00 AM]
Useful Feature - SMS Reminder

[8/25/08 12:00 AM]
New Feature - Dash Board

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Useful Feature - SMS Reminder
SMS reminders that alert your users before the occurrence of preset tasks via is an ideal solution for staff members that regularly work outside the office. This feature is a part of the task manager where the user presets the reminders and selects the SMS as the reminder mode. It is a very handy tool especially for the sales team, as the user does not need to be logged in the system and can organize his tasks.
next New Feature - Dash Board
previous Optional Feature - Interactive Master plans / Floor plans